The uvm_config_db class is the recommended way to access the resource
A resource is any piece of information that is shared between more than
one component or object.
We use uvm_config_db::set to put something into the database and
uvm_config_db::get to retrieve information from the database.
The uvm_config_db class is parameterized, so the database behaves as if
it is partitioned into many type-specific "mini databases."
There are no limitations on the the type - it could be a class, a
uvm_object, a built in type such as a bit, byte, or a virtual interface.
There are two typical uses for uvm_config_db. The first is to pass
virtual interfaces from the DUT to the test, and the second is to pass
configuration classes down through the testbench.
T is the type of the element being configured - usually a virtual interface
or a configuration object.
cntxt and inst_name together form a scope that is used to locate the
resource within the database.
The scope is formed by appending the instance name to the full
hierarchical name of the context.
{cntxt, ".", inst_name}. or
{cntxt.get_full_name(),".",inst_name}. //need to confirm
If cntxt is null then inst_name provides the complete scope information
of the setting.
field_name is
the key through which you can store and get that particular object.
field_name must be same during get & set, because while getting
from uvm_databse it will find for field_name.
value is the thing or resource which is actually going to be put into
the database.
value name can be different but value type must be same for get and
Both inst_name and field_name may be glob style or regular expression
style expressions.
Build Phase:
Run Phase:
1. Before set anything into database first allocates memory to them and
then put into database using set method.